Saturday, July 22, 2006

is there life post world cup?

In football years, a month is almost an eternity. 60 something games spread across 30 odd nights (actually very early morning, as my eye bags will stand to testify) to some people has been like a whole lifetime.

and now, its all over... the italians are probably still dancing on their cars - albeit being some insane time of the night where they are but hell its their damn turn to stay awake - but when the pasta sauce as it eventually must, run out and the music stops to play, what then? the next few days is spent in recovery mode - regaining sleep, regaining normal eating patterns, and switching back to Malaysian time instead of working on European Standard time, as we all have been forced to adhere to. But, when the body is whole and the mind is normal, what then with the spirit which is weak?

discussions across the baord, held during fervent half time moments and the split seconds before extra time kicks in, registers a worrying sense of denial marking the end of the season. blank looks, random squeals and unintelligible grunts are the replies i most often receive, and anything lucid i hear is described in far too much profanity to be repeated in print.

i worry for the fate of our people. sleep deprivation was a manageable fault... as was of several other things frustrated women all over the world chose to hold back as punishment (home cooked meals la get your brain outta the gutter). But living without the World Cup? Is that even life worth living? After teasing us for a whole month, inviting us into the sunny green fields of stadiums across germany, sitting amidst the thronging crowds, cheering for the spirit of a truly poetic game, will fate be so cruel as to snatch it all away, leaving us to the cold desolate future with no football?

the mind wonders/wanders. ah but not too far, august brings in yet another soccer season to be cherished, and our sleepless nights stand heed to go on. resulting, as it usually does, in the raging, ecstatic bodies of yet another nationality, dancing merrily in the streets. on a bus this time, perhaps.


At 2:03 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife." then again what the hell did jane austen know, she died a spinster..


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