like a lot of people, this year i have a lot to be thankful for......... cept that mine are odd, out-there, and in no way what normal people thank the heavens (or the other powers that be) for. thank you:
for my parents - since they brought me in, they can take me out - hence, i thank them for lettin me live. ;) also, i owe them a hell of a lot for seeing me through past one of the toughest moments of my life... i had no idea they could be so understanding and appreciative of my pain. they let me live - far more than most parents allow their children, certainly certain parents and children ive been acquainted with.
for baby brothers - for just being them.
for baby cousins - for letting me raise them. and look at them today and realise that IS the life i want for myself one day. oh, and for letting me know what NOT to do so i dont screw my own kids over. ;)
for grandmothers - especially my own, for being forward thinking ahead of her time, watching me make my own mistakes and praying for my sanity when i did.
for friends - so i know who to send my kids to for what advice. in fact, for some of em, none at all. hahah.
for the american presidency - for providing me with a lifetime of comic relief. and teaching me taht there is a group of people who repudiate a man who had an affair but is an excellent administrator, to a man who is obviously besotted with the devil's court jester instead.
for saddam hussein - for teaching me the value of a fair trial, only because he was so unfairly denied one.
for Mohd Yunus and Grameem Bank - for understanding that poverty has a female face, and for believing in women's strength and power to heal it
for oprah winfrey - for giving such men and women a voice, and being such a kick ass babe herself
for supermodels - for giving me inspiration to be thin
for gavin yap - for reminding me that men like cheerful women who enjoy their food, rather than skinny bitchy girls (actually he told me this last year but im a slow study sometimes)
for yasmin ahmad - for always telling me im beautiful (anyone likes to be lied to sometimes)
for tom yam - cos its where june, rathika and i bond most of all
for bbce - cos tv now is no more the idiot box
for champagne and wine - for the constant excuse of talking too much sense for the inebriated
for my reading habit - for letting me escape once in a while. lord knows i needed it.
for george clooney and jude law - so my mother understands what sexy means and she knows which men to send my way. ;)
for london, paris, prague and budapest - for being the backdrop of my heart's adventure of the century
for god - for giving me the soundness of mind to be intelligent, for giving me strength of being to be compassionate, for giving me the gift of faith to always, always believe.
to 2006 - cheers!!!!