Tuesday, January 16, 2007

ha bloody ha

that i'm making TWO posts on the americans indicates some sort of unhealthy obsession, and youre probably correct... but lord they're so inane i cant help it. like how any adult is attracted, even if via nothing but sympathy, to the slowest child or the most ridiculed, so too is my attraction to the united states, and that comic strip that is the bush administration.

i wonder if it has at any point struck them, the magnanimity of the chaos theyve caused. and i hate to have to spell out the two main things taht have driven them to cause this bedlam - money, and religion. The two most important sectors of power. dont believe me? look at the history of what they fight for. the entire mess in kuwait was over oil, ewhich quals money. all their doing in iraq is over the same damn thing, bush snr wouldnt have given a damn about saddam the funny middle eastern man if there wasnt any oil involved. the mess theyve created in palestine and israel are religiously skewed as well - it pains me, how dare they use christ's name to inflict so much pain on palestinians. i am neither christian nor muslim, but this is ridiculous. Innocnet somali's suffer at the latest attacks as well - surprise surprise, attacks made specifically on muslim courts. Now the power has switched to ethiopia... say, who knew that was a christian country. coincidence? perish the thought.

and there's news of the US bombing Iran now? i shudder at teh thought. think about it... george bush is a loose cannon, and even if he has now a slightly tougher challenge in dealing with an opposing democratic congress now, the button is in his naive hand.

i usually hate watching tv, especially the news, but the latest gift to the idiot box of late has been al-jazeera. and i must say that has been such a pleasant antithesis to the banality of CNN. which i admit i have rescinded a long time ago in favour of the BBC, but still, my respect of al-jazeera's brand of news has increasingly soared into the stratosphere. i suppose some element of personal bias is present, its exposing our fairweather friends for their stupidity.. yet in the fairest most non-judgemental of ways. its a balm for my unsettled soul, but certainly a thimbleful of water in a forest fire as far as the iraqis and somalians go.

what a keener sense of awareness for teh rest of us will do is yet to be seen, especially since bush jr doenst seem to take the hint when leaders and countries all over the world stop agreeing with him, and a large majorioty of his own people have ceased to trust him too. when will he realise, all his interventions are like the cruel stab of a knife into someone... once stabbed, the damage is unretractable. it hurts to leave it in, it hurts to take it out.

pray tell mr bush, what will you do now? your southern twang and your nationalist talk gets you no further. tell us what to do with that knife of yours. and when you'll take it back for good.


At 8:23 am , Blogger Unknown said...

well i agree with you totally. its a shame how ppl miss use religion and race for thier own agenda. i'm a christian and it pains me to live in a world like this. another example is malaysia. its bringin down its self and its country man and wen someone points their flaws they deny it. i pains me and ppl dun take me seriously wen i say my views on this topic. so yeah i agree wit you 100%.


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