Monday, March 05, 2007

power trip

i seem to do this so often now... i seem to chance upon the oddest human characteristcs, at the most unusual places.

is the ability to exclude a power to behold? not ever being the power hungry sort myself (much to my father's regret, he had me pinned as the next hillary clinton) its never occured to me to look at it that way. but the realities of being able to exclude someone is that its empowering. the simplest of words, tones and gestures collects a crowd and deliberately leaves one out.

its a power thing.

but whats also a power thing is surviving that exclusion. its also powerful to walk away and refuses to be left out, by simply belonging elsewhere. or better still, not needing to belong at all.

i dont know why some people see an innate need to exert their perceived sense of upmanship over others. although it draws its own need from a insecurity of some kind, its also is the core of cruelty - pure and simple. the inability to accept others on their own terms is already an inadequacy, but the need to alienate them completely is something else altogether


At 2:34 am , Blogger vickna said...

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At 2:42 am , Blogger vickna said...

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At 2:45 am , Blogger vickna said...

you have been tagged.. go here to find out what it's about..

At 6:41 pm , Blogger Unknown said...

well anandhi, you do have the power to get people's attention and they acctually listen i suppose. so take it as a compliment and look at the good qualities not the bad.

At 6:15 pm , Blogger Unknown said...

Perceptive in your observation ,as usual. The recognition that we are being bullied in the subtle play of exclusion is the 1st step. Most people are propelled by the fear of being left out. This one fear makes us behave in inhuman terms to our very friends that we profess to love. So subtle are the nuances that sometimes one fails to notice the grey shadows of this creepy creature.Watch out!!
Sarasa Krishnan

At 4:26 am , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.


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