Monday, June 04, 2007

ok, let me clear the air - MY PREVIOUS BLOG ENTRY WAS NOT ABOUT YOU. yes, you, all those people who read my blog regularly and think ive lost my mind.

I'M OKAY. really i am.

the last entry was about me missing certain rituals that i associated with some people... both whom are alive and who have passed away. it was a an afternoon in which my thoughts had been allowed to stew for too long, and armed with an existing blogsite and a pleasing internet connection, i let it all fly.

if anything, this has made me realise how far ive actually come, as well as how far ive yet to go. all these build up to a more whole, newer me. which i need.

so chill. im made of tougher stuff than you think. 'sides, i have you guys.



At 11:30 am , Blogger vickna said...

yes you do..
you know all u have to do is pick the phone up and call..
and besides, eventually does come..
just don't let life happen while you are waiting for it..
-luv ya-

At 9:22 am , Blogger Unknown said...

well anandhi, from the first time i met you i knew you are a strong watever you goin through you know i'm here for you...i'm just a call away aiite...

At 7:49 pm , Blogger Wandernut said...

*smacks your cute ass*

Hey, Mr A is back from the desert. Let's meet up for banana leaf soon! :D

And beb, thanks for the tip re:Platinum in BKK. I went beserko.


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